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Kornjača - kako, gdje, što itd.? HELP

Postano: 18.05.2010, 10:24
Postao/la Punana
Bok ljudi :)

Nije prošlo dugo vremena otkad sam s cimericom raspravljala o tome kako bi bilo dobro da udomimo još jednu životinjicu pored mačaka i psa, i eto, svemir poslušao i pruži se prilika da udomimo jednu kornjaču (onu kopnenu).

E sad, mnoštvo pitanja... Čitam da je najbolje da im se namijeni jedan ograđeni dio vrta - to imamo; cijela jedna ograđena bašta od nekih 20kvadrata je namijenjena samo za nju :D moramo samo pokrpati eventualne pukotine u zidu i tako to.

Ali, kako joj urediti taj dio njenog novog doma? Slama, trava, kamenje, voda...........??????

Kažu da su u biti biljojedi i da im treba i vitamina nekakovog za pravilan razvoj oklopa... Ali, koliko često ju hraniti?

I, kakve su kornjače u svom intimnom životu, tj. treba li im partner...?

I, jesu li ''inteligentne'', tj. raspoznaju li ''vlasnika'' i tako to?

I da, kako se slažu s mačkama i psima?
Uf, puno pitanja...

Ajde, ako netko ima ikakvih saznanja i iskustava, POMOZITE :)

Re: Kornjača - kako, gdje, što itd.? HELP

Postano: 18.05.2010, 14:19
Postao/la Jos
Am i right that you want a turtle? :)
Well its important to know what exact specie you you have latin name?

You have turtle who rather eat meat and other who go for the green :)
Normally you should be fine with giving them vegtable left overs...they don't get special shit in the wild either :)
Though you can look up in petshop for some turtle food and change between that and normal vegtables/fruit.
Or look for some vitamins you can add to your food.
Look for special vitamins for turtles it should be indicated on the botle/pack how much you have to use.
They will probably suggest more then is really needed but to much vitamins usaly don't hurt.
Like with humans...what you dont use go's out again :D
Other thing is that special for turtle crap will cost 3 times more so well you can as well make your own vitamin mixture once you know what you need :)
But it really think that you should just gave him varieted/allot of diferent kinds of food.
I'm guessing here but is chalk used for armor? as well if chicken lay eggs with to thin scale you can add fine crushed egg shells to their grains (you have to dry scales) out in oven or something so maybe you can do that as well :D would be easy and cheap anyway :)
I think they would like bugs to....So maybe they even like those snails if your lucky :D
Most of them are not very mobile so small fench around cracks where it can escape should be fine...But keep an eye on your turtle first days :)

For the water well try to make it as deep as possible (for oxigen and so on) and keep it in shade
Greate a soft going in so it can get in and out easely and make him litle private island in midle so he can chill without to worry :D
Cats and dogs well it all depends on how much those are interested in the turtle and watch out some turtles can be quite agresive/strong so again be sure to know what type you take and how big it will become.
My cat and dog live well with other creatures living in and around my house.
BUT its very important that they see that other animal as part as the family itself...sounds strange maybe but normally they should see it as a person and so not attack your new friend/you...get it? :)
So maybe let them both get used to eachother before they actually can touch eachother ;)

For the rest....look good at your new friend and learn what he want and need ;)
For interaction...I dont know I even saw big bugs and ppl "comunicating"...I think most will depend on how creature normally lives (group/solo/...).

So I hope I could tell you something with this :D
Good luck anyway :ymparty:

Re: Kornjača - kako, gdje, što itd.? HELP

Postano: 19.05.2010, 12:07
Postao/la Punana
Aaaaa, thank you for detailed answer :) you really helped me.

For now, I don't know the latin name of the turtle; all I know it is that this kind of turtle lives on land, usually people have them in garden and they can reach the size of the hand, for example.

Regarding the food, as I spoke with girl who will ''give'' me this little creature, she said, just like you, that I can give her / him lot of different vegetables & fruits- so, actually, I don't need to worry about that :D
And if I'm lucky, this turtle will eat snails :D oooo, that would be just fabulous!!! :)

But, what I'm trying to figure theese days is- should I make / dig a ''pool'' for it? Sorry, maybe it is a stupid question, but I really don't know nothing about turtles :-s but, that is the opportunity to learn :) The turtle needs to have some kind of access to the water, right? I mean, she / he needs to take a bath :D anyway, it would be great to ''build'' a little private island :)

And I really hope that other animals will accept new friend... I mean, we have very special relationship with our animal friends, so we will do our best for living in a mixed community :)

And how is their intimate life? Do they need a partner? :-\

Actually, this turtle is big thing for me, because I learned how to live with cats and dogs and I can understand their behaviour etc., but turtle... is she ''intelligent''? I mean, can she recognize me as her friend, as the person who brings her food...?

Uf, so many questions #:-s

Thanks, Yookai :)

Re: Kornjača - kako, gdje, što itd.? HELP

Postano: 19.05.2010, 12:30
Postao/la Jos
Turtle well you can't talk with them as far as I know because they have very bad hearing.
But thats compensated with vision and smell.
Still if you do it right they will come to you if they need food or anything.
Its possible they will recognise you to.
Smell and looks will point out that you are the person taking care of him so I would say it will(and be possible) as you take good care of it and make sure it does not come into stress situation certainly at start ;)
But keep in mind that it are not that brave creatures so you have to make sure it does not get afraid.
And the place where your turtle is now has to be surounded by ppl and so on to.
They need to build up good experiences from being small (as all animales) but I guess its a bit more tricky with turtles.

And well the rest of your answers I cant answer yet :D
You have to know what kind of turtle you will get :)
There are something of 40species who don't need water/pond at all but most need something of water.
But then again still some need something small, some something huge :)
So all starts with what species its going to be :)
And well tbh I dont know that much about it myself I only "know" some basic shit :D
But if you know species I know ppl to ask about :)
Its interesting by itself so good :)

Yes big thing :) ppl often make wrong discisions when deciding to take a new friend :)

Keep us informed
Have fun, good luck :ymparty: