Stranica: 1/11.

O.Z.O.R.A. Psychedelic Tribal Gathering (7. - 12. 8. 2012.)

Postano: 23.10.2011, 18:47
Postao/la goa gil
Tužne vijesti.. OZORA crew se raspao :((

Daniel (farmer koji je vlasnik zemlje) je odlučio preuzeti organizaciju samo na sebe radi stjecanja više para. Rezultat toga je da večina dosadašnje organizacije mora otiči. Na facebooku se pojavila grupa za bojkot ozore 2012 i ima već preko 10000 članova.

Sa stranice

The World is in big change now...
We are changing...

The Tribes have left Ozora.
Spirit is gone!

After 8 prosperous and joyful years, Daniel (the farmer of the land) decided to take the whole festival in his hand. He beleives he can do it as he owns the land and the event is big enough to carry on alone by itself. We have been trying to convince him for the last 2 months, but he did not even listen to the facts and the suggestions collected by us to improve the Festival rather than destroying it in his sudden strange mood.

We beleive that it is much more that has been born at Ozora, not just the name he registered, the ground and the big money behind it - but a lot of personal love and hard work.

Everybody who worked in the Ozora Team have added a lot of effort and enthusiasm. All the artists have added their vision, many of them for free. Everybody dancing there added his own vibration. And Love again. That is what can not be counted. And also it can not be missed...

The owner's decision was purely made on 'financial interests', although almost 99% of the income went to that 1 place. Does it sound familiar? The old money-pyramid again, and probably it's time to think of a new system.

So we go different ways... No fighting back, rather looking into the future.. making the best of the Present.

We are happy and sad in the same time. But we must follow our heart and not the greedy needs.. Different ways of thinking, different ways of life.

We have a beautiful vision with long years of experience and knowledge...

The ones who must leave 'O.Z.O.R.A':

Bubble Balazs - main-organiser
Oleg - ex-organiser, music, web
Edit - graphic designer
Amin - Access All Areas's father figure
Alpha - music & stage
Peter Didjital - music & stage
Extradimensional Space Agency - main stage decor
Martin Audio - sound system
Pumpui crew - visuals, movie, before & after party
Viki - shops
Csaba, Cuki and their nice friends - Magic Garden
and workshop keepers, jugglers, builders, workers, the travel crew and many artists like Raja Ram, Simon Posford & the whole Twisted Crew, Atmos, Ace Ventura, Liquid Soul, Man with no Name, Tristan, the PsyBaba family, the Ultimae Records family... and many more.

Thank you for all of your support!
We believe in you more than ever!!!

Together we can keep the Spirit of Ozora... w
We can even create something better.
Our collective dream has huge energies...

Funnily enough this year the chosen sign was the 'Rise of the Phoenix', in other way 'Flight of the Garuda'... Symbols. :) Who knows? Maybe it's time to leave one stage behind...

So this is the news now.

By the internet we can stay connected, more info soon.

Thank you all !!!

Love & Light

admin says:
October 20, 2011 at 12:24 pm
This is the final decision, there will be Ozora 2012 but we wont be there.
Thank you for your support, we definitely looking for making a new festival, and it seems like the artist are also with us. The vision is to keep this creative community together on our own land, and build a little state in a state.
We soon have updates…

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Ozora Festival is about the collective efforts of many and the paradise we experience is created by love and passion of all members of crew, artists, decor and party goers.

Without this, Ozora would not be same.

This festival is about love and unity, and as party goers we are saying we will not attend you're money making festival as that is not what we believe in.

This is a strong message to Daniel (THE LAND OWNER), there are many who look forward to this all year round, and much love and passion is put into this. Please re think you're plans to create Ozora on your own, Otherwise WE the Ozora people will stay in spirit and solidarity with the original crew and will attend THEIR new festival, where ever it will be ♥

Peace Love and Unity.
This is the Spirit of Ozora.

Re: O.Z.O.R.A Festival- August 2-7, 2011

Postano: 23.10.2011, 23:16
Postao/la Proximus
Yeap...vidjet cemo sta ce ovo znacit za festival i dal ce doista bit tako na kraju, ako da jebiga, nothing lasts, nothing is lost jel ;) Lost Theory ce rokat jos barem iduce 4 godine i vise je nego dostojna zamjena. Makar bi ovaj vlasnik morao bit totalni idiot da ovo napravi kad vidi koliko je ljudi spremno bojkotirat Ozoru zbog toga...

Re: O.Z.O.R.A Festival- August 2-7, 2011

Postano: 24.10.2011, 08:47
Postao/la Red
aaa ne mogu vjerovat da se ovo dešava. kako možeš nakon toliko godina odlučit da preuzimaš festival, nije mi jasno. ok lova, ali ... #-o

koliko sam skužila, ozore će biti ali ne sa ekipom koja ju radi inače. e pa baš sranje, jer ono kako je do sada bilo, bilo je savršeno, ne znam kako bi cijeli festival disao da su drugi ljudi u opticaju.

Planirala sam ici sljedece godine, ali nekako mi sada nije do toga. nemam pojma, vidjet ćemo kako će se stvari razvijat.

ali baš šteta :129fs238648:

Re: O.Z.O.R.A Festival- August 2-7, 2011

Postano: 27.10.2011, 02:23
Postao/la WIZARD
:-o ma daaaj dal je moguce da ce i ovde sad nesto da se zasere i to bas kad sam planirao da idem sigurno :ohnoo: zasto sve lepo mora da se unisti...a je*em ti pare i sve te gluposti! pa sa ovakvom neverovatnom pozitivnom atmosferom kakva je vladala na ovom festivalu proteklih godina,ja bi da sam organizator gledao samo da budem na pozitivnoj nuli ,jer neke stvari ,kao sto je duh ozore,novac ne moze da kupi...nadam se da ce se vratiti i da ce biti isti fest bez ikakvih promena :-ss

Re: O.Z.O.R.A Festival- August 2-7, 2011

Postano: 30.10.2011, 19:12
Postao/la Sophia
da jbga, i to se desilo, ali ajd , vidit čemo do godine kak če bit,, jer do sad svaka na kojoj sam ja bila , mislim da mi je ovo bil 4ta, je bila savršena,,

Re: O.Z.O.R.A Festival- August 2-7, 2011

Postano: 07.12.2011, 20:19
Postao/la Rhea
heeeej, pa šta vam je? :-s pa Ozora 2012. će biti bolja nego ikad prije, ja definitivno idem, već sam počela i štediti forinte, lipe, eure, šta god treba :) to su glupostoče da će biti lošije nego prije, ne širit lošu vibru među ljude :ohnoo: lijepo svi samo pozitiva :ymhug:

Re: O.Z.O.R.A Festival- August 2-7, 2011

Postano: 07.12.2011, 21:03
Postao/la dr.manijak
Realno sta vas briga da li ce vase pare deliti cetvorica ili sve uzeti jedan.
Nisu oni sigurno taj festival napravili da vama bude lepo nego da uzmu pare.

Re: O.Z.O.R.A Festival- August 2-7, 2011

Postano: 07.12.2011, 21:42
Postao/la Sophia
ove god su na mainu moja tri naj naj izvođača :) + KINZAZA to ču osdlušat iz zajebancije :D

Re: O.Z.O.R.A Festival- August 2-7, 2011

Postano: 07.12.2011, 23:03
Postao/la Psychonaut
Realno sta vas briga da li ce vase pare deliti cetvorica ili sve uzeti jedan.
Nisu oni sigurno taj festival napravili da vama bude lepo nego da uzmu pare.
Ja mislim da se onakav festival ne pravi samo radi uzimanja para. Na Ozori je sve odisalo pozitivnom energijom, a takve stvari dolaze kao posljedica drugacijih poriva. Naravno, ok je sve to iskombinovati sa novcem(posteno - mora se od necega zivjeti).

Ja nisam upucen u desavanja oko organizacje, ali mogu zamisliti da je skupina ljudi u to ulozila jako puno ljubavi i truda, i onda sve to u sekundi nestane radi necije pohlepe. Ne kazem da je zaista bilo tako, ne znam, ali mogu zamisliti. Volio bih da znam vise, pa da se mogu prema svemu postaviti kako treba.

Re: O.Z.O.R.A Festival- August 2-7, 2011

Postano: 08.12.2011, 13:55
Postao/la Rhea
heej, pa o nama samima ovisi kako će biti, o nikom drugom :) nisu organizatori ti koji odlučuju kako čemo se mi provoditi.. čujem da preuzima neka nova ekipa cijeli festival, ali baš nas briga, pa ne idem tamo zbog njih, idem zbog sebe, zbog nas :x ako budete išli tamo sa misaom da će biti loše i bit će :confusedd: ja kotam da su to oni malo ubacili patku da "podgriju" situaciju :)