Lov na Psilocybe u divljini

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Pridružen/a: 29.04.2021, 11:12
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Re: Lov na Psilocybe u divljini

Post Postao/la kale.kikor »

Sou zivi, koje su sanse?
Mislim da bi prenasao pola kile nego jednu jedinu pecurkicu u celoj sumi.
Cudo da si je spazio. Izgleda da je tebe cekala, zato je I pozivela dovoljno dugo da se sretnete.
Jel si je pokrkao odma na licu mesta?
I koja je planina bila u pitanju ako nije tajna?
Kako su velicanstvena dela Tvoja Gospode, sve si premudroscu stvorio.
Postovi: 444
Pridružen/a: 11.02.2014, 15:59
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Re: Lov na Psilocybe u divljini

Post Postao/la storm.raver »

Ne znam brate moj i ja sam sebi postavio isto pitanje, od cele šume i planine da baš na nekoj zabačenoj stazi nađem jednu minijaturnu serbiku...koje su šanse? Nigde ni u njenoj blizini ni na drugim mestima ništa. Možda pomaže to što gljivarim i tražim sve gljive, a već sam bio skoro legao da slikam Hydnum vrstu na mahovini (gljiva koja ima iglice umesto listića) i kad sam ustao odmah ugledam serbiku na pola metra...Možda treba menjati perspektivu i obraćati pažnju na sve gljive.

Nisam je pojeo, kad sam je slikao bacio sam je negde u šumi pošto mi očigledno nije bilo suđeno da nađem dovoljno za trip, ali zahvalan sam jer mi se ukazala bez obzira da li je slučajnost ili viša sila. Gde sam je našao napisaću ti u privatnoj poruci, jer je to na terenu gde često gljivarim i ne želim ekspedicije.
:mushroom: learning things :mushroom:
Postovi: 512
Pridružen/a: 10.06.2016, 23:03
Ima zahvala: 200 puta
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Re: Lov na Psilocybe u divljini

Post Postao/la huana.meri »

još nije gotovo ni kasno, di nema velikih minusa i snjega debelog, cure napadaju garant sad kako mjesec otvara na pooni....
kod mene snjega bilo pa svedno nisu stale 7 dana, ima oštećenih, potrganih, ali nema stajanja, ako je snjeg na njima, probija se kroz snjeg dok nepotrgaju šešire, loodara
Napred je natrag a natrag je napred, pazi kamo ti ideš ;)
Postovi: 169
Pridružen/a: 29.04.2021, 11:12
Ima zahvala: 51 put
 pohvaljen: 42 puta

Re: Lov na Psilocybe u divljini

Post Postao/la kale.kikor »

Jel si ti napravio video? Prelep je! Uh da mi je da naletim na ovako nesto u sumi.
Pre neku noc sam sanjao 3 razlicita sna kako nalazim pecurke, i ujutro sam hteo da upalim kola i zapicim za planinu al me dan pre toga uvatio virus neki pa sam morao da lezim... bas dane koje sam bio slobodan...
Ni ove nedelje, a kako kaze prognoza ni sledece nema minusa u srb pa mozda pokusam jos jedanput da okusam srecu iako ne znam koliko je kisa bilo u zadnje vreme.
Temperatura je ok, ali vlaznost? Videcemo
I iskreno vise me boli stojko naso pecurke ili ne(lepo bi bilo) ali ovo sve radim prvenstveno jer volim prirodu tako da sam sve jedno y plusu
Kako su velicanstvena dela Tvoja Gospode, sve si premudroscu stvorio.
Postovi: 512
Pridružen/a: 10.06.2016, 23:03
Ima zahvala: 200 puta
 pohvaljen: 238 puta

Re: Lov na Psilocybe u divljini

Post Postao/la huana.meri »

dok ne stegne jako, njihovo je vrijeme, i planina je navečer a i preko dana mokra iako nepada, nebrigaj, pogotovo sad pinaju, nakon punog mjeseca su vani garant, a i sada, one sada čekaju smrzavanje i rastu dok nekrene hibernacija micelija na velikim minusima....na malima čak rastu, lagana smrzavica, samo polako, tako da blaga zima i poslje božića, i tvog i mog, ima ih na staništima jele i bukve na srednje visokim predjelima a i višlje ako nije smrzavanje...
Napred je natrag a natrag je napred, pazi kamo ti ideš ;)
Postovi: 512
Pridružen/a: 10.06.2016, 23:03
Ima zahvala: 200 puta
 pohvaljen: 238 puta

Re: Lov na Psilocybe u divljini

Post Postao/la huana.meri »

imam novo zapažanje, mislim da pinanje serbike staje kad krene sunce nazad prema nama, nakon Božića praktički nema pinova, danas sam našao nekoliko gljiva koje završavaju iako imaju super uvjete, kiša, temp, sve...tako da ovo mi je prva godina da sam ih pratio skroz skoro od prvog do zadnjeg dana, pa bi bilo baš dobro da još neko kaže jel ima slična zapažanja
Napred je natrag a natrag je napred, pazi kamo ti ideš ;)
Postovi: 6
Pridružen/a: 22.03.2024, 21:52
Ima zahvala: 6 puta

Re: Lov na Psilocybe u divljini

Post Postao/la Luka021 »

storm.raver je napisao/la: 03.12.2023, 23:59 kale pičkice slušaj ovo, danas sam ustao u 6, otišao na bus za koji nisam ni bio siguran da ide, srećom došao je i odvezao sam se u podnožje jedne lepe planine. Posle dosta sati žestokog lova i intenzivnog penjanja, u sred šume i potpuno zabačeno, našao sam jedan jedini primerak serbike, nisam siguran jel se budi iz hibernacije ili je odleđena. Nikad manju serbiku nisam našao, možda je oko 2 cm bila. Ove visoke temperature pa pomislih da je dobra prilika da se serbika probudi iz zimskog sna, nažalost sezona je gotova po mojoj proceni, ali blagoslovljen sam bar jednim primerkom...Eto četvrta godina za redom kako nalazim serbiku, da sam imao više vremena ove sezone pokazao bih ti da ne mora da te ukenja ko ove studente biologije sa Tare ili koji su već qrc, nego možeš da ih nađeš gomilu ako se dobro iscimaš i držiš oči otvorene. Ili bar nađeš jednu ovako za početak da ti podigne entuzijazam...


Tako da ne odustajem od tebe čekam te i sledeće godine da te konstantno smaram kako sreća prati hrabre, a možeš i proveriti još neko mesto sad u decembru.
Hej Storm,
Hvala na objasnjenjima i utrosenom vremenu,
Da te pitam,planiram ici u lov na Serbicu kao totalni laik,evo dok budu bile prve kise.
Kazi mi dali bi bio voljan da otidjemo zajedno prvom prilikom odnosno da mene povedes kada budes isao sledeci put?
Iz Novog Sada sam,dosao bih do dole i sve.
Taman napravimo dobro druzenje,mozda putovanje,poznanstvo i kontakt svakako.
Postovi: 6
Pridružen/a: 22.03.2024, 21:52
Ima zahvala: 6 puta

Re: Lov na Psilocybe u divljini

Post Postao/la Luka021 »

kale.kikor je napisao/la: 25.10.2023, 12:01 Hvala, nadam se da ce mi se posreciti ove godine.
Iz bga Sam Tako da moram preci bar 100 km do najblize valjane planine, a kad vec odvajan CEO Dan za Gljivarenje, nece me mrzeti jos koja km da predjem, samo da si povecam sanse za uspehom.
Ima, svega mi da Odem na ovo jezero gde ih je ovaj bata nasao, video Sam I na onom tvom sajtu, neko je pinovao istu lokaciju Tako da je micelijum tu, samo da bude pravo vreme za pecurku.
A ko bi rekao da serbike rastu na +25°C? Izgleda da se ni njima ne svidja hladno vreme
Ja sam voljan ici i voziti,nije mi tesko.
Samo da se organizujemo kad i to.
Postovi: 6
Pridružen/a: 22.03.2024, 21:52
Ima zahvala: 6 puta

Re: Lov na Psilocybe u divljini

Post Postao/la Luka021 »

Inace makedonija je prepuna aktivnih pecuraka,cini mi se 15vrsta da je zabelezeno.

Institute of Biology, Faculty of Natural Science, P.O. Box 162, Gazi Baba bb, 1000 Skopje
Karadelev M. & Spasikova S.. (2004). Hallucinogenic fungi in the Republic of Macedonia. Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with International Participation, 25-29. 10.2003, Ohrid.Special issues of Macedonian Ecological Society, Vol. 6, Skopje.
According to the recent research into fungi biodiversity of R. Macedonia, 1,250 species have been registered. From these fungi, 16 species show proved hallucinogenic effects. These species belong to the following genera: Psilocybe, Amanita, Panaeolus, Elaphomyces, Claviceps, Gymnopilus, Pluteus, Stropharia and Mycena. In most of them, these effects are due to the presence of hallucinogenic compounds such as psilocin, psilocybin, baeocystin and nor-baeocystin.
Key words:
hallucinogenic fungi, hallucinogenic effects, hallucinogenic compounds.
KapaneneB M. u CnacnkoBa C. (2004). XanynnHoreHn ra6n Bo Penyo.nHka MaxenoHnja.36opHuk Ha wpydosu od 2-owi Konzpec Ha ekonosuiue Ha Maxedonuja co MeéyHapoòHo yuecuso, 25-29.10.2003,Oxpuò. IoceoHH H3naHnja Ha MakenoHCKOTo eKOJIOIIKO APYIIITBO, KH. 6, Cxonje.
Bp3 OCHOBa Ha HCTpaxyBataTa Ha MHKOAHBep3HTeTOT BO PenyoJHKa Makenonnja nocera ce perHCTpHpaHH 1250 BHIOBH Ha ra6u. OI HHB, 16 BHIOBH HOKaxyBaaT xaJyIIHHOreHO AejcTBO. Tue npunaraar Ha ponOBHTe: Psilocybe, Amanita, Panaeolus, Elaphomyces, Claviceps, Gymnopilus, Pluteus, Stropharia H Mycena. Kaj noBekeTo OI HHB OBHe edekTu ce pesyaiTaT Ha IpHCyCTBOTO Ha xaJTyIHHOreHH coenuHeHnja, kako IICHJOIHH, IICHJIOIHOHH, OeOIHCTHH H HOp-OeOIHCTHH.
K.ayqHn 360poBH: xanyuHHoreHH raóu, xanyuHoreHn ecekTu, xanyHHoreHr
Lately, mycological investigations in the epublic of Macedonia have been intensified. The register of the hallucinogenic species in the Republic of Macedonia is created according to the published data from the previous investigations (Tortich 1988, Karadelev 2000), the data- base MACFUNGI of the Mycological laboratory at the Faculty of Natural Science in Skopje, and from the field investigations of the authors. The investigations were carried out on various localities in the Republic of Macedonia, such as the mountains: Osogovo, Kozuf, Kitka, Vodno, Jakupica, Sar Planina, Ograzden, the National Parks: Pelister, Mavrovo, and Galicica, and the area of the towns and villages: Krusevo, Resen, Katlanovo, Skopje and Gevgelija.
well as on enriched soil, infected plants, etc. The identification of the species was done either on the field or in the mycological laboratory at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics in Skopje, using microscopes and reagents (Melzer, KOH, Sulphovaniline etc.).Some of the collected fungi were preserved in the National Mycological Collection (FUNGI MACEDONICI), while the data were put in the database MACFUNGI.
For identification are used the following: Moser(1983),Breitenbach & Kränzlin (1981, 1986, 1991,1995,2000),Paul Staments (1996), Däncke, R.M.(2001), Krieglsteiner, G. J.(2000),Flammer (1980),Flammer & Horak(1983),etc.
Materials and methods
Amanita muscaria (L.:Fr.) Hooker
The material was collected in various kinds of forests, associations and on mountain pastures, on soil or on fallen branches, trunks, logs and living trees, as
- grows on soil in deciduous and coniferous forests,
from July to October.
Osogovo Mt.: Ponikva, Calamintho grandiflorae-Fag-
etum, 1500-1600; Krusevo: on the way to Children's
Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of Ecologists of Macedonia
Postovi: 6
Pridružen/a: 22.03.2024, 21:52
Ima zahvala: 6 puta

Re: Lov na Psilocybe u divljini

Post Postao/la Luka021 »

Luka021 je napisao/la: 22.03.2024, 23:17 Inace makedonija je prepuna aktivnih pecuraka,cini mi se 15vrsta da je zabelezeno.

Institute of Biology, Faculty of Natural Science, P.O. Box 162, Gazi Baba bb, 1000 Skopje
Karadelev M. & Spasikova S.. (2004). Hallucinogenic fungi in the Republic of Macedonia. Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with International Participation, 25-29. 10.2003, Ohrid.Special issues of Macedonian Ecological Society, Vol. 6, Skopje.
According to the recent research into fungi biodiversity of R. Macedonia, 1,250 species have been registered. From these fungi, 16 species show proved hallucinogenic effects. These species belong to the following genera: Psilocybe, Amanita, Panaeolus, Elaphomyces, Claviceps, Gymnopilus, Pluteus, Stropharia and Mycena. In most of them, these effects are due to the presence of hallucinogenic compounds such as psilocin, psilocybin, baeocystin and nor-baeocystin.
Key words:
hallucinogenic fungi, hallucinogenic effects, hallucinogenic compounds.
KapaneneB M. u CnacnkoBa C. (2004). XanynnHoreHn ra6n Bo Penyo.nHka MaxenoHnja.36opHuk Ha wpydosu od 2-owi Konzpec Ha ekonosuiue Ha Maxedonuja co MeéyHapoòHo yuecuso, 25-29.10.2003,Oxpuò. IoceoHH H3naHnja Ha MakenoHCKOTo eKOJIOIIKO APYIIITBO, KH. 6, Cxonje.
Bp3 OCHOBa Ha HCTpaxyBataTa Ha MHKOAHBep3HTeTOT BO PenyoJHKa Makenonnja nocera ce perHCTpHpaHH 1250 BHIOBH Ha ra6u. OI HHB, 16 BHIOBH HOKaxyBaaT xaJyIIHHOreHO AejcTBO. Tue npunaraar Ha ponOBHTe: Psilocybe, Amanita, Panaeolus, Elaphomyces, Claviceps, Gymnopilus, Pluteus, Stropharia H Mycena. Kaj noBekeTo OI HHB OBHe edekTu ce pesyaiTaT Ha IpHCyCTBOTO Ha xaJTyIHHOreHH coenuHeHnja, kako IICHJOIHH, IICHJIOIHOHH, OeOIHCTHH H HOp-OeOIHCTHH.
K.ayqHn 360poBH: xanyuHHoreHH raóu, xanyuHoreHn ecekTu, xanyHHoreHr
Lately, mycological investigations in the epublic of Macedonia have been intensified. The register of the hallucinogenic species in the Republic of Macedonia is created according to the published data from the previous investigations (Tortich 1988, Karadelev 2000), the data- base MACFUNGI of the Mycological laboratory at the Faculty of Natural Science in Skopje, and from the field investigations of the authors. The investigations were carried out on various localities in the Republic of Macedonia, such as the mountains: Osogovo, Kozuf, Kitka, Vodno, Jakupica, Sar Planina, Ograzden, the National Parks: Pelister, Mavrovo, and Galicica, and the area of the towns and villages: Krusevo, Resen, Katlanovo, Skopje and Gevgelija.
well as on enriched soil, infected plants, etc. The identification of the species was done either on the field or in the mycological laboratory at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics in Skopje, using microscopes and reagents (Melzer, KOH, Sulphovaniline etc.).Some of the collected fungi were preserved in the National Mycological Collection (FUNGI MACEDONICI), while the data were put in the database MACFUNGI.
For identification are used the following: Moser(1983),Breitenbach & Kränzlin (1981, 1986, 1991,1995,2000),Paul Staments (1996), Däncke, R.M.(2001), Krieglsteiner, G. J.(2000),Flammer (1980),Flammer & Horak(1983),etc.
Materials and methods
Amanita muscaria (L.:Fr.) Hooker
The material was collected in various kinds of forests, associations and on mountain pastures, on soil or on fallen branches, trunks, logs and living trees, as
- grows on soil in deciduous and coniferous forests,
from July to October.
Osogovo Mt.: Ponikva, Calamintho grandiflorae-Fag-
etum, 1500-1600; Krusevo: on the way to Children's
Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of Ecologists of Macedonia
Inace makedonija je prepuna aktivnih pecuraka,cini mi se 15vrsta da je zabelezeno.

Institute of Biology, Faculty of Natural Science, P.O. Box 162, Gazi Baba bb, 1000 Skopje
Karadelev M. & Spasikova S.. (2004). Hallucinogenic fungi in the Republic of Macedonia. Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with International Participation, 25-29. 10.2003, Ohrid.Special issues of Macedonian Ecological Society, Vol. 6, Skopje.
According to the recent research into fungi biodiversity of R. Macedonia, 1,250 species have been registered. From these fungi, 16 species show proved hallucinogenic effects. These species belong to the following genera: Psilocybe, Amanita, Panaeolus, Elaphomyces, Claviceps, Gymnopilus, Pluteus, Stropharia and Mycena. In most of them, these effects are due to the presence of hallucinogenic compounds such as psilocin, psilocybin, baeocystin and nor-baeocystin.
Key words:
hallucinogenic fungi, hallucinogenic effects, hallucinogenic compounds.
KapaneneB M. u CnacnkoBa C. (2004). XanynnHoreHn ra6n Bo Penyo.nHka MaxenoHnja.36opHuk Ha wpydosu od 2-owi Konzpec Ha ekonosuiue Ha Maxedonuja co MeéyHapoòHo yuecuso, 25-29.10.2003,Oxpuò. IoceoHH H3naHnja Ha MakenoHCKOTo eKOJIOIIKO APYIIITBO, KH. 6, Cxonje.
Bp3 OCHOBa Ha HCTpaxyBataTa Ha MHKOAHBep3HTeTOT BO PenyoJHKa Makenonnja nocera ce perHCTpHpaHH 1250 BHIOBH Ha ra6u. OI HHB, 16 BHIOBH HOKaxyBaaT xaJyIIHHOreHO AejcTBO. Tue npunaraar Ha ponOBHTe: Psilocybe, Amanita, Panaeolus, Elaphomyces, Claviceps, Gymnopilus, Pluteus, Stropharia H Mycena. Kaj noBekeTo OI HHB OBHe edekTu ce pesyaiTaT Ha IpHCyCTBOTO Ha xaJTyIHHOreHH coenuHeHnja, kako IICHJOIHH, IICHJIOIHOHH, OeOIHCTHH H HOp-OeOIHCTHH.
K.ayqHn 360poBH: xanyuHHoreHH raóu, xanyuHoreHn ecekTu, xanyHHoreHr
Lately, mycological investigations in the epublic of Macedonia have been intensified. The register of the hallucinogenic species in the Republic of Macedonia is created according to the published data from the previous investigations (Tortich 1988, Karadelev 2000), the data- base MACFUNGI of the Mycological laboratory at the Faculty of Natural Science in Skopje, and from the field investigations of the authors. The investigations were carried out on various localities in the Republic of Macedonia, such as the mountains: Osogovo, Kozuf, Kitka, Vodno, Jakupica, Sar Planina, Ograzden, the National Parks: Pelister, Mavrovo, and Galicica, and the area of the towns and villages: Krusevo, Resen, Katlanovo, Skopje and Gevgelija.
well as on enriched soil, infected plants, etc. The identification of the species was done either on the field or in the mycological laboratory at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics in Skopje, using microscopes and reagents (Melzer, KOH, Sulphovaniline etc.).Some of the collected fungi were preserved in the National Mycological Collection (FUNGI MACEDONICI), while the data were put in the database MACFUNGI.
For identification are used the following: Moser(1983),Breitenbach & Kränzlin (1981, 1986, 1991,1995,2000),Paul Staments (1996), Däncke, R.M.(2001), Krieglsteiner, G. J.(2000),Flammer (1980),Flammer & Horak(1983),etc.
Materials and methods
Amanita muscaria (L.:Fr.) Hooker
The material was collected in various kinds of forests, associations and on mountain pastures, on soil or on fallen branches, trunks, logs and living trees, as
- grows on soil in deciduous and coniferous forests,
from July to October.
Osogovo Mt.: Ponikva, Calamintho grandiflorae-Fag-
etum, 1500-1600; Krusevo: on the way to Children's
Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of Ecologists of Macedonia

NP Pelister:(ass. Digitali viridiflorae - Pinetum peuces with Fagus): near Mala Korija, Caparska Preseka, around Mt. house Kopanki, Palisnopje, Rotinska river - lower part, around v. Trnovo, between Mt.house Kopanki and Palisnopje; above Kopanki, (Gentiano luteae - Pinetum peuces); above v. Magarevo,near spring, (mixed forest of Fagus, Pinus peuce and Quercus); Golema livada, (mixed forest of Betula,Populus, Pinus peuce and Abies); Kozuf Mt.: Konjari, (Fagus and Pinus nigra); Kitka Mt.: Preslap.(Calamintho grandiflorae - Fagetum) and near Preslap, (Orno-Quercetum petraeae); NP Mavrovo:Bunec, (Calamintho grandiflorae-Fagetum); Vodno Mt.: (Querco - carpinetum orientalis); Jakupica Mt..v. Gorno Vranovce, (Festuco heterophyllae - Fagetum), and Ceples, (Calamintho grandiflorae - Fagetum); Sar Planina Mt.: Jelak,(Piceetum excelsae subalpinum scardicum).
Panaeolus papilionaceus (Bull.:Fr.) Quel.
Vodno Mt., 950 m a., May 2002, on enriched soil;NP Pelister: around Kopanki, Digitali viridiflorae - Pinetum peuces, 1600, September 2002.
Panaeolus semiovatus Fr. (Lundell)
NP Pelister: around Kopanki, in meadow, 1650, Sep-
tember 2002, on dung.
Pluteus salicinus (Pers.: Fr.) Kummer
Ograzden Mt.: Ezovo Brdo, mixed forest of Fagus,Pinus sylvestris and Pinus nigra, 1100-1300, July 2000, on rotten branches of Fagus; NP Galicica: PIjuska, Quercetum frainetto-cerris macedonicum,1000, October 2001, on enriched soil; Jakupica Mt.:Ceples, Calamintho grandiflorae-Fagetum, 1400-1500, July 1999, on stump of Fagus sylvatica; Kozuf Mt.: Konjari, Fagus and Pinus nigra, 1100, October 2000.
Psilocybe coprophylla (Bull.: Fr.) Quel.
Jakupica Mt.: v.Gorno Vranovce, Festuco heterophyllae - Fagetum, 700-800, November 1998, on dung.Psilocybe bullacea (Bull.: Fr.) Kumm
NP Pelister: v. Rotino, plantation of P.peuce, 1050,April 2002, on fallen branch of Pinus peuce, and around v. Trnovo, Festuco heterophyllae - Fagetum with Populus tremula, 1200, September 2002, on leaves reminants of Populus tremula; Prespa: Strict Nature Reserve ,,Ezerani", Carici elongatae - Alnetum glutinosae, April 2002, in meadow, close toSalix purpurea.
Psilocybe montana (Fr.) Quelet
NP Pelister: between Mt. house Kopanki and Palisnopje, Digitali viridiflorae - Pinetum peuces, 1540-1640 m a, October 2001, on soil.
Psilocybe muscorum (Orton) Mos.
NP Pelister: above v. Slivnica, Quercetum frainettocerris macedonicum, 1050, April 2002, in moss Rhacomitrum.
Hallucinogenic fungi in the Republic of Macedonia
Psilocybe physaloides (Bull.: Merat) Quelet
Prespa: Strict Nature Reserve ,,Ezerani“, in mead-
ow, 850, April 2002, on soil.
Psilocybe subcoprophyla (Bull.:Fr.) Kumm
Katlanovo: St. Jovan Veterski monastery, Pruno webii-Junipiterum excelsae, 150-200, October 2002, on dung.
Stropharia coronilla (Bull.: Fr.) Quel.
NP Pelister: on the way to Molika Hotel, pastured place with Juniperus communis and Pinus peuce,1100, April 2002, in meadow. Vodno Mt.: Quercocarpinetum orientalis, 750 - 1000, October 2002, on soil; Gevgelija: v. Stojakovo, in meadow, 80, December 1993; Kozuf Mt.: Konjari, Fagus and Pinus nigra, 1100, October 2000, on dung.
In the Republic of Macedonia, so far, 16 species of hallucinogenic fungi have been registered. The most frequent of these species are Mycena pura and Amanita muscaria. The representatives of other genera such as Pcilocybe, Panaeolus, Gymnopilus and Elaphomyces are very seldom.
All these fungi were found growing on various substrates. Usually, these fungi were found growing on soil (Stropharia coronilla, Psilocybe physaloides,Psilocybe montana, Mycena pura, Amanita muscaria), on enriched soil (Stropharia coronilla, Psilocybe bullacea, Pluteus salicinus, Panaeolus papilionaceus), on dung (Stropharia coronilla, Psilocybe subcoprophyla, Psilocybe coprophylla, Panaeolus semiovatus).
Certain species of these fungi are lignicolous, there.fore they were registered growing on different kinds of wood or wood debris: Psilocybe bullacea was found growing on fallen branch of Pinus peuce and on leaves reminants of Populus tremula; Pluteus salicinus was found growing on rotten branches and on stump of Fagus, while Gymnopilus spectabilis was found on log of Fagus.
It is very interesting to notice that two registered species were not found growing on any of the mentioned substrares: Psilocybe muscorum was found in moss Rhacomitrum, Elaphomyces granulatus and Gymnopilus reticulatus were only found under soil, while Claviceps purpurea.
Tab. 1 shows the distribution of the registered spe-
cies in various associations.
The most significant characteristic of these fungi is their chemical constitution. Once ingested, these fungi cause certain syndromes and hallucinations. Due to this effect, they are called hallucinogenic fungi.Different fungi may contain different or common hallucinogenic compounds.