ninth-grade young women from Denmark recently created a science experiment that is causing a stir in the scientific community.
It started with an observation and a question. The girls noticed that if they slept with their mobile phones near their heads at night, they often had difficulty concentrating at school the next day. They wanted to test the effect of a cellphone's radiation on humans, but their school, Hjallerup School in Denmark, did not have the equipment to handle such an experiment. So the girls designed an experiment that would test the effect of cellphone radiation on a plant instead.
The students placed six trays filled with Lepidium sativum, a type of garden cress into a room without radiation, and six trays of the seeds into another room next to two routers that according to the girls calculations, emitted about the same type of radiation as an ordinary cellphone.
Over the next 12 days, the girls observed, measured, weighed and photographed their results. Although by the end of the experiment the results were blatantly obvious — the cress seeds placed near the router had not grown. Many of them were completely dead. While the cress seeds planted in the other room, away from the routers, thrived.
The experiment earned the girls (pictured above) top honors in a regional science competition and the interest of scientists around the world.
According to Kim Horsevad, a teacher at Hjallerup Skole in Denmark were the cress experiment took place, a neuroscience professor at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, is interested in repeating the experiment in controlled professional scientific environments.
I'm sure the world will continue watching these young women, and this experiment, for many years to come.
Dakle postaje čak i klincima jasno koliko je štetan utjecaj EM zračenja u koji smo uronjeni. Osobno mi intuicija govori da bi se toga trebalo čim više kloniti, ali danas je to gotovo nemoguće.. Gdje god kreneš, mobiteli, wi-fi, 'štedna' fluo rasvjeta, dalekovodi posvuda.. Većina ljudi ima doma i na poslu wifi, spava s mobitelom pored glave, uglavnom zbog alarma..
No ima i ljudi koji prije spavanja isključuju glavnu strujnu sklopku u stanu te tvrde da puno bolje spavaju bez tih zagađenja..
Bolje onda kupiti neku vekericu za 20kn da te budi ujutro.
Nemam pojma koje će biti dugoročne posljedice tih el magn zračenja, al mi se čini da neće biti krasne.
Također mi nije jasno zašto gotovo sve što koristimo danas mora imati negativan utjecaj i raditi disbalans u prirodi?! koji nam je k..?
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