Salvia Divinorum Uzgoj

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Postovi: 14
Pridružen/a: 28.05.2011, 13:55

Re: Salvia Divinorum Uzgoj

Post Postao/la traveler »

hej Red,kazi mi sta mislis o uzgajanju salvie na profi lampama??i koji procenat vlage treba odrzavati??
Postovi: 3274
Pridružen/a: 06.02.2010, 20:50
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Re: Salvia Divinorum Uzgoj

Post Postao/la Red »

posto se ona moze uzgajati i sobnim uvjetima nije da ovisi o vlazi. neki misle da ako vlaga padne ispod 50% da joj smeta, iako voli vlazno, vrlo lako se prilagodi na sve uvjete.

da ne prevodim


Salvia divinorum does best in filtered sunlight. Conventional wisdom is to avoid all direct sunlight and such advice is, by and large, good advice. We have found, however, that once acclimated, S. divinorum does fine with some direct sunlight each day. A plant that gets too much direct sunlight will start to develop smaller deformed and coarse leaves.

Once they have been potted into soil, we grow all our plants in natural sunlight. The single best supplement to natural light is a high pressure sodium (HPS) lamp. An HPS lamp is more efficient than an equivalent watt metal halide lamp and its spectrum of light is more conducive to the rooting of new cuttings. As a supplement to natural light, a 400 watt HPS lamp will illuminate a primary growing area of just under 2 square meters (about 6 ft x 6 ft). For growers with three or fewer plants, a 250 watt HPS lamp should suffice.

Plants grown exclusively under a sodium lamp, however, will be slightly leggier than plants grown under a metal halide lamp. Therefore, if you are growing S. divinorum without any natural light and want to maximize vegetative growth, a metal halide lamp is your best choice (Chomicz 1998). Valdés reported that his plants did well under cool white VHO fluorescent lights (Valdés et al. 1987). Another grower has successfully used a 400 watt metal halide lamp to illuminate a 2.5 square meter (about 8 ft x 8 ft) growing space (Beifuss 1997). He reports that the leaves lighten in color, but this does not seem to harm the plants nor affect their potency.

When using a high-watt lamp (HPS or metal halide), keep the lamp at least two feet above the plants to avoid burning them. A reddish blush to the leaves indicates that the light is still too close to the plant tops. Because high-watt lamps emit a dry heat, extra misting may be necessary. Before doing this however, shield the lamp from water droplets. Hot lamps can explode if water hits them! Under artificial light, S. divinorum foliage is maximized with eighteen hours of light per day. To produce flowers, natural or artificial light must be reduced to no more than 11 hours per day.


One thing about Salvia divinorum is that it is readily adaptable to many different growing conditions. Everyone seems to think this plant will just keel over if the humidity is any lower then 50%. This is just not true. Salvia divinorum does like humidity, I’ll admit that, but she doesn’t NEED it. She will adapt to very low humidity situations if given time to adapt. The amazing part is that she makes a magical transformation in the way she looks when grown without high humidity. The picture of one of my plants below is a good example of this.

Notice the difference in the upper and lower leaves. The lower ones have a silvery haze around the main vein and are much darker green. They also seem to droop a bit more. Then there are the upper leaves that stand out flat and have a distinct shape and visible texture. Also they tend to be a bit lighter shade of green. These are not leaves from two different plant. They show the difference in leaves when grown in high and low humidity. The upper leaves were grown with low humidity and the lower leaves were grown with very high humidity. It’s absolutely amazing to me that a plant can completely change appearance with different growing conditions.

One interesting thing is that once a leaf has changed its appearance to a high humidity leaf like in the picture It doesn’t go back very easily. When adapting your plant to a new humidity or growing condition it actually needs to grow a whole new set of leaves. That’s why we adapted it in our system above so slowly. Those high humidity leaves will ALWAYS brown at the edges and tips, some more then others. There’s nothing you can do about it. Pick them off once you get a set of adapted leaves about medium size. These new leaves will be much more resilient to lower humidity conditions. Yet if you want them to go back to being high humidity leaves put them back in a humidity tent and they will slowly become much like the high humidity leaves. They just don’t go back… I’ve always wondered if the potency is different between the two types of leaves. Maybe I’ll find out in a future experiment.

So if your leaves are browning at the edges and tips you are either adapting it too quickly or you are looking at high humidity leaves. Are your newer low humidity leaves doing the same? If they are then you need to think about re-adjusting it slower or misting more often. Remember with each new leaf grown it will adapt better and better to the current growing conditions.

Another problem I have encountered and still don’t quite know why, is that in the evening my plants inside of the humidity tent will wilt. I just cut it back and made a cutting of it and it stopped. I think harvesting a few large leaves would also help. I think the reason this happens is that a high rate of water uptake by the roots is happening when the sun is beating on the leaves. When the light levels go down there isn’t as much transpiration going on pulling up water so the cells lose some of their turgidity and it wilts a bit. It always seems to perk back up in the morning though.. ... guide.html
“If you can't understand it without an explanation, you can't understand it with an explanation"
Postovi: 9
Pridružen/a: 02.04.2011, 13:51

Re: Salvia Divinorum Uzgoj

Post Postao/la sashab »

Ja je uzgajam na sobnim uvjetima i mogu Vam reci trenutno najvisi listovi su MONSTRUOZNI :D a biljka je tek mjesec i pol stara!!! Ne gnojim je niti zalivam puno, mozda 2 puta dnevno kad stignem s posla.
Postovi: 14
Pridružen/a: 28.05.2011, 13:55

Re: Salvia Divinorum Uzgoj

Post Postao/la traveler »

e pa hvala!!dobio sam reznicu nedavno,napravio sam joj neki box,svetlo...nadam se da ce nastaviti da se razvija.javljam dalji napredak...
Postovi: 1
Pridružen/a: 15.07.2011, 03:50

Re: Salvia Divinorum Uzgoj

Post Postao/la haveagoodtrip »

zanima me dal se salvia moze u hrvatskoj nabavit isto kao ostale droge... znaci, postoji li uopce primjerak biljke u drzavi?
Postovi: 3274
Pridružen/a: 06.02.2010, 20:50
Ima zahvala: 242 puta
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Re: Salvia Divinorum Uzgoj

Post Postao/la Red »

sumnjam. trebalo bi jako puno tih biljaka i lisca da netko od nje radi biznis. ako netko ima, ima za sebe ;)
“If you can't understand it without an explanation, you can't understand it with an explanation"
Postovi: 130
Pridružen/a: 20.04.2010, 00:49
 pohvaljen: 2 puta

Re: Salvia Divinorum Uzgoj

Post Postao/la Wolfshade »


Navalili mi neki priljepci na biljku, guglanjem sam skužio da su to tzv.Štitaste uši. Imate li ideju kako da ih se riješim pošto stvarno nebi želio zagaditi kemikalijama biljku koju ću poslije konzumirati :confusedd:
Postovi: 377
Pridružen/a: 21.11.2010, 23:53
Ima zahvala: 48 puta
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Re: Salvia Divinorum Uzgoj

Post Postao/la Fig »

možeš ih razorit i otklonit vodenom špricaljkom, a potom tretirat nekim prirodnim biljnim pesticidom. kopriva i duhan su dosta hvaljeni, kao češnjak i dr.
ne znam dal si vidio, ali mislim da bi riješenje mogao pronać ovdje:
biljke koje mozemo iskoristiti kao pesticid ili gnojivo
nametnici, bubetine, mušice, pauci...
Postovi: 395
Pridružen/a: 21.03.2010, 11:06
Ima zahvala: 185 puta
 pohvaljen: 136 puta

Re: Salvia Divinorum Uzgoj

Post Postao/la wonaabi »

možda već piše na forumu al navodno je dobro spricat si uši sa onom vodom od ćikova.
isprobo sam u par navrata al to je bilo tolko davno da se više nesjćam učinka :p
recite ne yogi, kao drogi!
Postovi: 3274
Pridružen/a: 06.02.2010, 20:50
Ima zahvala: 242 puta
 pohvaljen: 701 put

Re: Salvia Divinorum Uzgoj

Post Postao/la Red »

Jedan od načina je i primjena bijelog ulja:

Zarazu možemo suzbiti sa 2-3 prskanja u redovnim razmacima od 14-20 dana Bijelim uljem. Kako Bijelo ulje djeluje mehanički potrebno je sredstvom dobro pokriti sve površine biljke.
Ove štetnike možemo uništiti i ako duhan od 1-2 cigarete potopimo preko noći u 1,5 dl vode. Drugog dana s komadićem vate namočenim u taj pripravak dobro operemo sve djelove zaražene biljke. Po potrebi postupak se ponavlja.
“If you can't understand it without an explanation, you can't understand it with an explanation"