Što se čita?

Svakog dana, novo otkriće
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Pridružen/a: 23.05.2019, 15:16
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Re: Što se čita?

Post Postao/la Excitabo »

Price o Moci, Carlos Castaneda
Dina, Frank Herbert
Postovi: 389
Pridružen/a: 27.02.2021, 11:46
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Re: Što se čita?

Post Postao/la faceOff »

Mala, fantastična knjiga. Ako sam je našao u ovoj maloj "seoskoj" knjižnici, sigurno je ima u bilo kojoj. A mislim da bi je svi trebali pročitati

That stone Buddha deserves all the birdshit it gets
I wave my skinny arms like a tall flower in the wind
Postovi: 573
Pridružen/a: 08.07.2010, 11:33
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Re: Što se čita?

Post Postao/la Ninti »

Počela sam na dobru preporuku čitati knjigu E.T. 101 Dianne Luppi/Zoev Jho.
Knjiga je prvi put objavljena 1990. Ono što je zanimljivo jest da danas odzvanja nekom univerzalnom istinom i pruža čovjeku nadu i daje smisao svemu ovom sranju kojem danas svjedočimo. Sve je jasnije da se želi zaustaviti buđenje kod ljudi i da je vremena sve manje. Također lijepo se prisjetiti da smo svi mi na ovo pristali -> it's a part of the whole deal.
Ne mogu pronaći free pdf verziju, ja sam je uzela s Amazona, stigla je za 3 dana iz UK i platila sam 10tak GBP

Par citata:

Upon arrival on the Earth plane, your instructions were to completely fall asleep - just like the local population. You were to totally forget your true identity and everything you knew.
Since most of you entered as babies, this was not difficult. Every institution in the culture supported the memory loss, and it became easier as the years went on, Any inadvertent slips on your part most likely occurred during childhood and were easily dismissed as the result of an overactive imagination.

Since imagination threatens the dysfunctionality of this world, it was probably drummed out of you as soon as possible by the adult inhabitants of the planet. What your parents were unable to suppress, the school system most likely made short work of, as this is their specialty. In this manner, the local planetary inhabitants unwittingly assisted in maintaining the secrecy of your presence and the security of the mission.


Ground rules

Step II of the transmutational process cannot begin until the successful completion of Step I. In short, you must be able to pass for a local, and you are not allowed to just fake it. Total dysfunctionality must be achieved before Step II can commence.
When extraterrestrial incarnates on mission to Planet Earth finally arrive at the point where they are no longer able to demand water they can drink, food they can eat, or air they can breath without killing themselves, they are to understand that Step I of the mission has been successfully completed. The incarnates have truly become Earthlings, and Step II may now begin.

Coming Out of the Closet

You may dimly recall the saying, "In Rome, do as Arcturians". If not, don't strain your memory. Even if you do remember, the humor of it may not be immediately evident. The catchy little intergalactic saying was coined to capture the essence of Step II of the transmutational procedure. That procedure entails waking up to your true identity and forgetting everything you learned up until this point so that you can remember what you actually knew before you got here. In other words, you are to junk the entire identity you just spent a lifetime laboriously creating. Now do you see why we say the humor may escape you?

All Roads Lead Away From Rome

Yes, you understood the preceding entry correctly. You are to disengage yourself from your old identity and disassociate from a declining Rome. After falling asleep profoundly, you are now expected to wake up, equally profoundly. Now is the time to dismantle all false identity. Now is the time to forget that which has been learned in deference to that which is deeply known. Now begins the awesome process of altering human history. Now is the time for everything, and now is here.

Gentle Reminder

Some of you are probably wondering why such a torturous route was chosen to get to the desired destination. The reason you are wondering this is because you have been on this planet too long and have absorbed some, if not all, of its dysfunctional thinking. Keep in mind that this planet is no model for rational thought, and that what passes for sanity here is sending chills down the spine of the remainder of the universe.

The need to absorb the dysfunctionality of the planet is in order to legitimately disarm its patterns. Any other method constitute and invasion, and we do not invade. We alter by earning the right to do so. No entity is permitted to enter an alien world and disarm its dysfunctional patterns without having lived them. That is in compliance with Universal Law, which we represent.

Although we have had transmissions from many of you, screaming, "Invade already. Just get me out of here!", we regretfully remind you that that is not what you signed up for. Getting out of here is not the point. Getting more light into here is. Remember?
“Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.” ― Mark Twain
Postovi: 61
Pridružen/a: 13.05.2020, 04:07
Ima zahvala: 80 puta
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Re: Što se čita?

Post Postao/la 55cacc2d7823 »

hvala na preporuci, volim krace knjige iako nisu volja i razmisljanje problem vec fokus duze od par dana. evo pdf, inace na z-lib.org/ug1lib.org nema sta nema. :) https://ug1lib.org/book/5875952/948425
Postovi: 389
Pridružen/a: 27.02.2021, 11:46
Ima zahvala: 182 puta
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Re: Što se čita?

Post Postao/la faceOff »

55cacc2d7823 je napisao/la: 24.09.2021, 16:51 ...
Čovječe, hvala na stranici. Bez puno nade sam utipkao
A Hunter-Gatherer's Guide to the 21st Century
I evo je
https://ug1lib.org/book/17314373/5ed5fb ... ret=5ed5fb
Ne mogu ništa reći o knjizi jer je nisam čitao, ali autori imaju zanimljive podcaste, direktne neuvijene, utemeljene. I cenzurirane od youtubea. Covid, jel

"For evolutionary biologists Heather Heying and Bret Weinstein, the cause of many modern woes is clear: the world is out of sync with humans' ancient brains and bodies. The authors cut through the disputes surrounding issues like sex, gender, diet, parenting, sleep, education, and more to outline a science-based worldview that will empower the reader to live a better, wiser life. They distill more than twenty years of research and first-hand accounts from the most biodiverse ecosystems on Earth into straightforward principles and guidance for confronting our culture of hyper-novelty"--

That stone Buddha deserves all the birdshit it gets
I wave my skinny arms like a tall flower in the wind
Postovi: 389
Pridružen/a: 27.02.2021, 11:46
Ima zahvala: 182 puta
 pohvaljen: 243 puta

Re: Što se čita?

Post Postao/la faceOff »

Evo dijela uvoda

Our primary aim here is not to simply answer questions but to introduce you to a robust scientific framework for understanding ourselves, one we have developed over decades of study and teaching on the topic. It is not a framework you will find elsewhere; we developed it by working from first principles as much as possible.
First principles are those assumptions that cannot be deduced from any other assumption. They are foundational (like axioms, in math), and so thinking from first principles is a powerful mechanism for deducing truth, and a worthy goal if you are interested in fact over fiction.
Among the many benefits of first principles thinking is that it helps one avoid falling prey to the naturalistic fallacy, which is the idea that “what is” in nature is “what ought to be.” The framework that we present here is built to free us from these sorts of traps. It is intended to allow us humans to make sense enough of ourselves that we can, at a minimum, protect ourselves from self-inflicted harm. In this book, we will identify the most large-scale problems of our time, not through the limiting, divisive lens of politics, but through the indiscriminate lens of our evolution. One of our hopes is that we can help you to see through the noise of our modern world and become a better problem solver.
Modern Homo sapiens arose approximately two hundred thousand years ago, the product of 3.5 billion years of adaptive evolution. We are, in most ways, a generic species. Our morphology and physiology, though staggering and marvelous when considered in isolation, are not special when compared to those of our nearest relatives. But we, uniquely, have transformed the globe and become a threat to the planet on which we still thoroughly depend.
We might have called this book A Postindustrialist’s Guide to the 21st Century. Or An Agriculturalist’s Guide. Or A Monkey’s Guide, or A Mammal’s Guide, or A Fish’s Guide. Every one of those represents a stage of evolutionary history to which we have adapted, and from which we carry evolutionary baggage: our Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness, or EEA, to use the term of art. In this book, we speak to our Environments of Evolutionary Adaptedness—which is to say, not just the EEA of the title, such as the African grasslands and woodlands and coasts on which our ancestors were hunter-gatherers for so long, but the many other EEAs to which we are adapted. We emerged onto land as early tetrapods; became lactating, fur-bearing mammals; developed dexterity with our hands and visual acuity as monkeys; grew and harvested our own food as agriculturalists; and live cheek to jowl with millions of anonymous others as postindustrialists.
We chose to include hunter-gatherer in the title of the book because our recent ancestors spent millions of years adapting to that niche. This is the reason so many people romanticize this particular phase of our evolution. But there was not just one hunter-gatherer way of life, any more than there is one mammalian way of life, or a single way to farm. And we are not adapted only to being hunter-gatherers—we also adapted, long ago, to being fish; more recently, to being primates; and most recently, to being postindustrialists. All of these are part of our evolutionary history.
This wide-ranging view is necessary if we are to understand the biggest problem of our time: Our species’ pace of change now outstrips our ability to adapt. We are generating new problems at a new and accelerating rate, and it is making us sick—physically, psychologically, socially, and environmentally. If we don’t figure out how to grapple with the problem of accelerating novelty, humanity will perish, a victim of its success.
This is a book not only about how our species is in danger of destroying our world. It is also about the beauty humans have discovered and created, and how we can save it. An irrefutable evolutionary truth undergirding this book is that humans are excellent at responding to change and adapting to the unknown. We are explorers and innovators by design, and the same impulses that have created our troublesome modern condition are the only hope for saving it.

That stone Buddha deserves all the birdshit it gets
I wave my skinny arms like a tall flower in the wind
Postovi: 7
Pridružen/a: 06.10.2021, 09:05
Ima zahvala: 1 put
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Re: Što se čita?

Post Postao/la Punk-S »

faceOff je napisao/la: 24.09.2021, 17:27 [Bez puno nade sam utipkao
A Hunter-Gatherer's Guide to the 21st Century
https://concen.org/content/hunter-gathe ... kaudiobook
Evo ti t torrent. Knjiga i audio knjiga.
Fenomenalna je. Skrenila mi je promišljanje o dosta toga.
Inače ima i jeben podcast. Dark horse
“The system does not and cannot exist to satisfy human needs. Instead, it is human behavior that has to be modified to fit the needs of the system.*
Postovi: 61
Pridružen/a: 13.05.2020, 04:07
Ima zahvala: 80 puta
 pohvaljen: 46 puta

Re: Što se čita?

Post Postao/la 55cacc2d7823 »

zavrsio socijalizam i covek - ernesto che guevara, sad sam pri kraju sa the secret chief revealed - myron j. stolaroff. iduca ce a hunter-gatherer's guide po vasoj preporuci.

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Postovi: 512
Pridružen/a: 10.06.2016, 23:03
Ima zahvala: 200 puta
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Re: Što se čita?

Post Postao/la huana.meri »

spominje li se u knjizi o Čeu da je prva gerilska izobrazba bila u Osijeku, direktno zapovjed od Broza dobio akademik Dušan Bilanđić, Castro je Titi poslo Čea na obuku, neznam koliko dana je proveo kod nas da shvati kako neko sa skoro ničime može pobjediti iz šume, partizani su onda u svijetu bili poznati kao nekakvi nadljudi, osloboditelji, jer su 45. "oslobodili" Hrvatsku nakon izbjega pola miliona ustaša, domobrana...
ugl. imaš gostovanje kod Malnara, samo audio na youtubeu, Bilanđić Dule objašnjava par sati sve, jedan od zanimljivijih i intervjua i ljudi iz starog sistema...

u zadnjem novom dokumentarcu ne spominju Yugoslaviju kao mjesto obuke.
Napred je natrag a natrag je napred, pazi kamo ti ideš ;)
Postovi: 61
Pridružen/a: 13.05.2020, 04:07
Ima zahvala: 80 puta
 pohvaljen: 46 puta

Re: Što se čita?

Post Postao/la 55cacc2d7823 »

hvala na informacijama. interesantano. u knjizi se ne spominje da je Che bio u Osijeku pa ni Jugoslaviji. nedavno sam se malo dublje zainteresirao za tematiku, prvo sam krenuo sa Bolivijskim dnevnikom koji upoznaje citaoca sa svakodnevnicom gerilskog ratovanja, a politike se dotice u maloj kolicini. dok je socijalizam i covek dosta ozbiljnije stivo koje cu morat ponovo citat nekad u buducnosti. istrazit cu ovo sto si napisao jer nisam dovoljno informiran.

veceras lagano citam https://en.rnp-f.org/2022/12/07/convers ... e-guevara/